Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Work in Progress II: Armature 「作品制作中パート2:辛抱作り

Fig. 1




Fig. 3

This is second in the "Work in Progress" posts where I am showing works in progress of pieces for the coming exhibit in January at Blackfish. After forming the 'leaves' and branches of the Tree of Life, I have decided to put human figures and creatures on them. Here I am using wire to form armature for the figures. How these figures and creatures relate to each other, we'll see later, as I have not fully decided this yet (laugh). Usually, I have some basic conception of set of works that I would like to make, but details are left blank. Each step leads to next.

Fig. 1 on the top shows me getting basic proportion and posture of the figure using wire gage #16 and #18. Fig 2 shows different piece but with wire armature of figures just about completed and ready to move onto the next stage. Last photo, Fig.3 shows a different type of piece, a wall piece. 'Leaf' and branches of the tree are set in such a way to be hung on the wall. One wire armature of a small figure was set on the wall piece, but I am thinking of adding other figures on this piece.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mail from Hayashi 「林秀樹君からのメール」




Hideki Hayashi who on the photo at left is having fun being chewed by a mutant stag beetle that he created for my sculpture class at Dohto University back in 2005-6. Though he was one of the best student at my regular sculpture class, his chosen medium was painting.

Since graduation he has been teaching art at specialized high school. In college he has done some powerful oil works using portrait of himself as a part of composition. He also did works on a theme of environmental contamination. What I like about his works back then was that unlike many Japanese colleagues whose work tends to be refined, Hayashi painted with rough strokes and relative spontaneity that gave lots of power and expressiveness that are more akin to some of the best we see in America. Here among the works that he has sent in mail lately, I would like to show his studio photo and an illustration of fish that looks both wildly expressive and impressive, and that reflects some of the quality I have just mentioned. Hayashi says, he's about ready to do some ambitious works, and when completed I hope he will send me photos of these.