Saturday, October 24, 2009

Work in Progres: Leaves and Branches of the Tree of Life 「生命の木の枝と葉っぱからの場面」の作品制作中パート#3:モデリング

Fig. 1Wire armature is completed and is ready to be modeled 針金の辛抱が完成し、これからワタのファイバで形が作られていく。


Fig.2 On another piece, figure of lady is being modeled with a cotton fiber 「別な作品では女性の形が綿とボンドの混ざったもので造り上げられている

Fig. 3 A snake and beetle forms along with lady figure are being modeled in this piece to create a story. 女性のほか話になるように蛇やテントウ虫のペットなどもあらわれだした。

After getting the armature made of wires completed, these figures and other forms were filled and modeled with material I have made by combining cotton or bamboo fiber with glue. The combination results in a material that is both soft and harden. This is something new as I have used clay as modeling material previously in Japan.
The work has looks of what I see in a floral parade except of limited color. And like forms in a floral parade I found it best to make forms simple and clear and avoid details. Figures I found naturally tends to get plump which is a pleasant change from slimmer proportioned figures I use to make out of clay.

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Life of Jellyfish" a Solo Exhibition of Work by Izumon at Monma Annex Gallery in Sapporo, Japan-「クラゲの一生」三上いずみの個展

Above- silk screen prints 「シルクスクリンの作品」

道都大学で講師としてプリントなどを教えているイズモン(三上いずみさん)が10年ぶりに個展を札幌市の門馬アネクスギャラリーで開きました。この期間イズモンは二人展のほかグループ展などに多く参加しています。 この活動的な芸術家はこのブローグでも前のポストで紹介しています。シルクスクリーンのほか木版画、イラスト、絵画、マンガ、それと彼女の母と共同で制作しているぬいもののソフトスコルプチャーなど様々な種類の材料と幅広い美術・工芸方法で表現しているようです。



"A view of long and narrow Monma Annex Gallery space and Izumon's exhibition"

"Jellyfish cushions " 「クラゲのクッション」

Izumon ( Izumi Mikami) is a guest lecturer at Dohto University in Sapporo Japan where she teaches classes in dyeing and printing. As an artist, besides creating works in fabric, she also does woodcut and silk prints, paintings, illustrations, picture books and comics. Izumon is one of those artist who likes to create her own world of imagination where cute, but at times deadly characters seem to roam. Her work has been mentioned in this blog previously. Please check earlier posts.

In this particular exhibition in a narrow, white wall gallery space next to a cafe restaurant, she explores the life of jellyfish character in silk screen prints and in soft sculpture form in her distinct way. Red dyed pieces especially, for me is striking. Apparently each piece can combine with others in any direction so that one can add and arrange these pieces to elongate up, down, diagonal, straight... any direction as artist desires. As usual, Izumon amazes me with bold but humorous, original designs.

I have been a fan of hers since I first saw her solo exhibition ten years ago, and I always look forward to her next piece: she always presents me surprises. These photos in this post were sent to me by my former student and friend of Izumon, MaiMai with Izumon's permission.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Robert Dozono's Exhibition Opening at Blackfishー「ロバート堂園氏の個展のオプニング」


Robert Dozono standing with ladies 「堂園氏と女性たち」

My friends, Mario and his wife Helen standing next to Robert's landscape drawing.

Robert's huge, three panel recycle painting

Helen with a detail of Robert's recycle piece

Robert Dozono is having one person exhibition of landscape paintings and figure drawings at Blackfish gallery in Portland, Oregon. The show will be exhibited throughout October. The exhibit includes Bob's well known recycle works where he paints over recycled materials giving textile and uncanny three dimensional effects. I have introduced Robert's work in earlier posts. Please check it for information, and my thoughts on them. The photos above taken by Helen and Mario and are shown in this blog with their permission. Hopefully these will gave some ideas of both works in the exhibition and feel of the opening night.