Visiting Chibashin at Furano
Chiba-shin working on a thesis project at my sculpture seminar room (fall to winter 2004-5)
Mai Mai, Kosuge, and Paul, all class of 2005 classmates visited Chibashin and his family at picturesque Furano in central Hokkaido couple months ago. Mai Mai sent me photos of this visit. Chibashin ( Shinji Chiba) as we call them was my sculpture seminar leader in the year 2005, and was an outstanding student. After graduation, Shinji became a teacher teaching at a preparatory school in Furano, his hometown famous for the site of very popular Japanese tv drama series and for scenery.
Chibashin and his family チバシンと家族
Cheerful with his loving wife and first child, bearded and long hair Chibashin.
家族と一緒でニコニコー 髪とひげを伸ばし、ちょっとヘッピ化したチバシン
Chibashinenjoying lunch with visitors, Paul, Kosugi, and Mai Mai (taking photo)
According to Mai Mai, Chibashin lately quit his teaching job and is taking over his father's farm. That sounds great, and hopefully, perhaps in winter, when he may have some time, Shinji can do some artwork. Chibashin sure made some great stuff as student, and hope he can continue where he left off.
千葉君は2005年の私の彫刻ゼミのゼミ長であり、優秀な生徒だった。道都大学卒業後、千葉君は富良野にある塾で先生として働いていたようだ。しかし、マイマイによると先生を辞め、父の農家を継ぐようになったらし い。農家は大変な仕事だと思うが、冬には少し作品を造る時間があるかもしれない。また農家なら制作する場所もあるだろう。 学生のころ素晴らしい作品を制作していたから、新しい職業に落ち着いたらまた作品を造ってほしいもんだ。
Chibashin's graduate work
Throughout his junior and senior years in my sculpture classes, Chibashin primary made pieces that were abstracted forms of human face. And he made them in non-firing clay. Shinji exaggerated the human facial form so they would be more expressive. As far as I know these were not abstraction of real individuals faces; they were more generative. As his clay and finishing techniques improve, these faces begin to show more depth and monumental presence. Though inadequate in photos, his ambitious thesis projects shown below display these qualities of serenity and monumental presence.
The piece "Meaning to Live Strongly" ( photo below) was technically one of the most difficult student works that I have seen in my class. Though hard to see in photo, the piece consists of perhaps over hundred, small, abstracted facial forms making spiral which in turn forming a pyramidal cone shape that seems to spiral on infinitely. With seemingly no beginning and end to the spiraling chains of faces, it seemed to me this piece also comments on the continuity of mankind. Making the form suspend into the air was techinically very difficult, and I commend Shinji for solving this problem.
The second piece, "Thoughtful Youth is noted for huge, surrealistic looking eye that commands attention from anyone near its presence. De Chirico like shadow also adds to this image. Layers, and layers of textured finishing along with rich, but dark tone color adds depth and profoundness to the piece.
"Meaning to Live Strongly" 1.5mx1.1mx1.6m clay, wood and jute cloth
「強く生きることの意味」 札幌市民ギャラリーのロビーでの展示
"Thoughtful Youth" 2.3mx2.05mx1.8m clay and woood
Another view of "Thoughtful View" with then junior Tadao and his performance/installation piece on background. Tadao currently resides in New York.