Monday, August 30, 2010

Working on Leaves of the Tree of Life  「生命の木の葉っぱの制作について」

Thread pattern drawings of Dead Leaf Butterfly and Mandrill (type of old world monkey)

On the back of 16' leaves' that I have been making for the December installation piece, I have decided to draw in representatives of various families of living creatures with thread. Above photo shows couple near completed pieces.

Working process is simple. First I made larger scale sketch of creatures from a reference book onto a paper towel size paper and cut out the form. Finally after making cutouts for all the pieces, I piled onto floor checking to make sure of variety, and to have the form of creatures match the form of each, different leaves. And then I glued on the thread. Generally, two lanes of thread were applied for each contour and for visual effect, I have tried to keep the thread as continuous as possible.



Drawing the contour of Black-tailed jackrabbit. Afterward the outline is cut off with scissor.

Checking the cutout of Tadpole Shrimp with the shape of this 'leaf'.

Part of 16 creature cutouts on various leaves

The threaded leaves 

Now, all I need to do is cover them with layers of liquitex varnish.


  1. Looks interesting and exotic! I thought you were sewing the outlines on, I but I see that you are gluing them.

  2. I don't have nimble enough fingers to do that Helen, so I took easy out, simply glue. It will be interesting to see how these would look next to Mario's pieces.
