Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Twinkle, twinkle, zig zag- Mario's exhuberant paintings" 「キラキラ、ジグザグーマリオ氏の輝く絵画」

View of Mario Caoile's Exhibition from gallery entrance

My artist friend from olden days, Mario Caoile shared December exhibition space of Blackfish Gallery with me. Mario showed mostly paintings, but there were three painted sculptures that were also exhibited. These were mostly abstract paintings though one can see a shade of dog or figure like forms here and there.

Here, Mario's adjusting microphone for video shooting. Displaying from left are paintings"Terra Illumina"and"Next Step" ビデオ撮影の途中マイクをチェックしているマリオ氏。

今回友人のマリオ氏と一緒にブラックフィシュで展示した。昔ながらの芸術仲間で一時よく彼と彼の奥さんのヘレンと魚つりにいったが私たちずいぶん年をたった。だだ私は三流物まねの品の無いバージョンの 毛沢東氏にだんだんと似てきたような気がするが、マリオは高貴な姿のガンジーに似てきたようだ。


"Terra Illumina" 「テーラーイルミナー」(輝地球)

I have heard people comment Mario's works with words like energetic, musical, illuminating, playful, spontaneous and labyrinth like when describing Mario's recent works, and these I think are appropriate. Title of works like "Detour","Zig Zag" Twinkle", "Terra Illumina", "Doggone it", "Yes Kangaroo" shows his awareness of effects of his works and also the playfulness . With this group of Mario's works, rather than think over deeply about what he tries to express, I enjoy most just absorbing the spirit Mario's paintings emit.

人々はエネルギシュ、音楽的、光輝いている、あぞび心,迷路、などの言葉でよく彼の作品を表している。私もそう思う。「ジッグザッグ」、「キラキラ」「,ハイ カンガルー」などの作品題彼自身も同じく思っているようだ。難しく、考えて作品を描くというより、感、その時の気持ちなどで描いているよう。それでマリオ氏が何を表現しようと考えるよりも作品から受ける気持ちを感じたほうが彼の作品を楽しめると私は思う。

"East& Wes&" 「東と西と」

Detail of "East&West&"「東と西と」

This "East&West&"piece is probably my favorite painting in this exhibition show though I like "Next Step" and couple others nearly as well. It has for me a powerful presence which appeals to me greatly, but is hard to describe.


Another thing I sense from this exhibition is that though each painting in the show is piece by itself, I sense all of the piece as one piece as though its one whole installation work. The colors and forms in all the work is similar and provides unity and small pieces near the floor of the gallery ties individual works together. But for me the main reason is the feeling I get that all the work- reflect lights, music, and thunderous energy towards the center of gallery.


"Sculpture Take Up Your Bed"[彫刻が貴方のベッドを取っている」

In the past, Mario use to weld scraps like bed springs together to form a metal sculpture. Lately, I see him revive these works by repainting them. I think these metal sculptures are appealing just with forms by themselves. But painting over gave additional interest. In fact Mario's painted sculptures are among my favorite of all Mario's repertoire. I really like them a lot!


"Zero Gravity" 「ゼロ引力」

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