Thursday, February 11, 2010

Visiting Jim Goin's Studio 「彫刻家ジムギオン氏のアトリエを訪ねて」

An outdoor covered area of Jim Gion's studio

Jim doing the wax coating part of a bronze casting

Many old works and various cast parts are stored and placed in the outdoor studio space

Jim Gion is a sculptor friend from olden days. In fact I knew him from the time I was studying architecture at Oregon State University. I took my first sculpture class there as an elective class back in 1971. At the time I never thought that sculpture would be my profession in years to come. Jim was a senior then: I believe fresh from Vietnam. He was an outstanding sculpture student there at OSU at the time I was there; sort of like a chief assistant to the professor, and somehow I got to know him. Seven years later, while I was a graduate student getting MFA in sculpture at PSU, we met again. Jim returned from teaching English in Japanese University and decided to take take sculpture class at PSU while resettling in Oregon. He probably just wanted to use the fine bronze facility at the University.

Fortune has it I met Jim again in 2008 just few weeks after I returned from Japan. I found out that he has been making a living as sculptor in Portland. Jim has found niche in modeling sculptures of dogs and other animals, and judging from photos and works in his studio, he must have received hundreds of commission in this genre. Recently, Jim has sculpted lions for Portland Zoo.

Above photos: Jim's commission works for owners of pet dogs

Visiting his studio in N.E section of Portland, I could see that Jim has developed his own techniques of rubber casting and clay modeling. I learned a lot in modeling and casting techniques from watching him. Besides modeling dogs and other animals, he does some abstract works and humorous pieces. However, what I'm most amazed is Jim's realistic figurative works. Jim possesses a natural feel for clay as he makes figures and portraits at an amazing speed. He can create a variety of texture with clay while catching all kinds of expressions. Watching him model clay, I had a feeling some people have a natural talent for this medium and for making a realistic sculpture. At the same time, I found that I don't. Jim says he gets most pleasure from depicting homeless people, and indeed some of his best works are those.

Display area of Jim's office

On my last visit, Jim showed me his recent experiment: he has been exploring the possibilities of cast paper. Jim showed me relief works that he has casted into paper praising the lightness that is contrast to his more typical works in bronze. I was interested in this a bit as possibility in my own work, but I have yet to try.

Relief work in cast paper

Although sculpture has gone to various directions such as abstract and conceptual, its great that there are artists like Jim Gion who are doing figurative works and works that require lots of craft as these I believe are timeless basics that will live on art trends and fashions.

Modeling area of Jim' studio

Clay work in progress in a different part of the modeling studio space

A look at shelf in the modeling studio

Some great works on the shelf






Another storage space with some portrait works

The work on the right is one of 'homeless portrait' that Jim loves to sculpt

Profile view of the ' Homeless'
「 ホームレス」作品の横顔」


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