Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ancient Cherry blossom Tree, "Takizakura"   三春滝桜

Waterfall Sakura of Miharu 「三春滝桜 」

My friend in Japan, Mr. Yonezawa sent me a photo of ancient cherry blossom tree, "Taki- zakura" or "Waterfall Cherry blossom" of Miharu city in Fukushima prefecture. This tree is considered one of the three great cherry blossom trees of Japan, and is believed to be 1,600 years old. When this tree was seedling, I believe Japan was still going through a prehistorical period, and in West, Rome was being ravaged by goths, Ostrogoths and Visigoths.

Mr. Yonezawa tells me that when he visited this tree, Japan was going through unusually cold spring- snowing while the tree was in full blossom! Mr. Yonezawa tells me its been 46 years since this situation has occurred here. Well, rain, sun or snow, I hope the Tree live through many years to come.

By the way two other great cherry blossom trees are "Jindai Cherryblossom" of Yamanashi Prefecture and "Usuzumi Cherry blossom" of Gifu Prefecture. As you can see from photos, Japanese go all out to see famous trees. I don't know whether this indicate unusual reverence of Japanese for natural wonders or that Japanese loves to go where crowds go- probably combination of both (laugh- sorry, a bit cynic here). Cynicism aside, great ancient trees do posses for me a sense of great spirituality, that I would probably push everyone aside to get to front of the crowd (laugh).

I posted this photo here because the theme of my blog is "Tree of Life''. I am very happy to receive photos of great trees so if you have one and you know my address, I would love to have them and post it here.



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Junpei "Paul' Hashiguchi's "Naive" Paintings  ポール橋口のシンプルな絵

One of my former student sent me photos of recent exhibition of Junpei Hashiguchi: his friends call him Paul. Paul graduated from Dohto University in 2005, majoring in silk screen print. While Paul exhibited prints, its his paintings I would like to present here. Unlike his prints and unlike works of most painters in Japan which shows technical virtuosity, these works look quite naive. Yet these works reminisce me early works of Mattise ( nude figures) and Chagall ( elongated figure). Paul's works do not have great inventiveness, rhythmic lines and color composition of these masters, but to me they possess simple charm and warmth that's delight.

After graduation Paul worked for while on drama joining a group of Thespians. He even performed in international drama festival in Edinburgh with them. I remember helping out a little translating a short play for this festival and found that some Japanese words such as 'chindonya' are almost impossible to translate cause their are no equivalent in English. Chindonya is a clownish advertisement group that dress in traditional Japanese clothes announcing such things as opening of new store while playing musical instruments.

I told this story because for some reason his painting seem to me at home with world of this play and his seemingly easy going character which I like alot.

In my last year at teaching in Japan, 1908, I notice several Freshman painting in similar simple style as that of Paul that caught me by surprise. I couldn't say then this was one of going directions of Japanese painting. I regret not seeing how these students develop since.

最近、私の教え子から、橋本 Hashimo’ポール”潤平君の展覧会の写真が送ってきた。彼は2005年、道都大学のデザイン学科を卒業した学生で、シルクプリントを学んだ生徒だ。 この展覧会では専門のプリントの作品も展示したようだが、ここでは彼の絵画の作品について述べたい。日本でよく見る、技術的に優れた作品とは違い、ナイブ に見える作品が結構私には魅力に感じる。ヌードで外に転んでいる絵や体が伸びた人の絵など若いころのシャガールやマチースの絵を私に思わす。もちろん、彼 らのような優れた色彩や線のセンスなどは見せないが、言葉で言えないチャームと温かみを感じさせるところが魅力。

卒業後、ポールは演劇の ほうに力を入れていたようで、仲間とスコットランドのエジンバラ市の国際演劇の祭りにまで参加したようだ。その時私も少し彼らたちの短い演劇の英訳を手 伝った。「チンドンヤ」など英語で訳できないような言葉などあり、英訳の難しさを改めておしえられる。ポールの絵を観ていると何故かこのときの劇の世界と 彼の絵が同じ、マーイペースのポールの性格・世界と合併しているように私には感じた。

日本で最後に教えた年、2008年に入学した一年生 の中に何人かポールの絵に似たような’ナイブなスタイルで描いた学生たちがいて少しびっくりした。’これがこれからの日本の絵の方向性の一つかと思った。 それからの彼らたちの様子が見えなかったことが少し残念だ。

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Plum Tree 'Flew' into My Yard" 「内の庭に梅軒が飛んできた」

Week after I wrote about flying plum tree of Michizane, a plum tree 'flew' to my yard. Well one of the tree on the other side of my fence that my neighbor told me is a plum tree fell down over my fence and a cable line. The property that tree is rooted belongs to the city, and they still have not cut it down. I cut some of the branches off right away to cut down the load on the fence and cable, and photos you see here are those taken when I cut most of the branches off that were on my side of the fence. But its funny coincidence that plum tree fell down to my yard when I just wrote about it. I was also thinking about finding branches for the show after the next one in December, and well I got the branches! Thinking positively, I see this as a divine blessing.

On a similar line, on Easter Sunday, the crown on my upper molar came off. This must have been a ' divine admonishment' for week before at Blackfish gallery meeting, my friend Bob Dozono's crown came off from his teeth, and I made a mistake of laughing over at this... at someone's misfortune. My conclusion is someone up there is defintely watching.

Broken branch from the city property falling over my fence and cable line. You can see that I cut off some of the branches off the fence and on my trees.

The branches I cut off I laid on the yard of my house. Later I cut off some of the good branches for my sculptural usage and threw back the rest to the city property as advised by my wise (cunning?) neighbor.
沢山切った枝を内の中庭の芝生に置いた。あとで好きな部分を彫刻ように切り、のこりをkinjyo 近状のアドバイスを聞き、の町の土地のほうに置いた。



Branches pressing over my fence. Initially before I cut down, many more smaller branches cover the fence.

Since the branch broke off from the trunk, it looks as though only half the tree still stands.

Nissan S-15- Converted Model Car by K. Tomoshige

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Those who Models I : Tomoshige Kouji 「プラモデル出身の彫刻家たち I: 友重好司

Tomoshige Kouji, is one of many students who joined my sculpture class with experience as a plastic model maker. Several of them takes model making seriously, and go on to become a professional or semiprofessional at modelmaking or related commercial art field.

Kouji makes various types of models, some are original figures and others are conversions. These he exhibits and sales through his homepage.

Lately, Kouji sent me photos of his recent works. Unfortunately some of them did not come through the mail, but these two conversion car models came through.

多くの私の道都大学でのゼミ生はプラモデル経験者で卒業後も真剣にプラモデルを作っている。中ではプラモデルなどホビー系の仕事をしている卒業生もいる。友重好司君もこの仲間、卒業後、オリジナルなフィガーやプラモデルなどの車を改造し、インターネットなどで展示したり、販売している。最近かれからいくつかの イメージが送ってきて、そのうちあけられたのが上の二つ写真に紹介した車のプラモデルだ。

Nissan S-15 Sylvia

Tomoshige works for the security company that uses this Niissan car.
He thought it might be 'cool' to have it converted as a sports custom so he did it here.

トモシゲ君が働いている警備会社の車をスポーツカスタムにしたモデル。「警備会社がこんなぶっとんだ車を使っていたら面白いなと思ってバリバ リのスポーツカスタムにしました」と彼は述べた。

Toyota AE86 Tourino

This model is a result of collaborating 'East Side' series with 'Head Letter D'(? Here I 'm translating Japanese words directly.)


Kouji Tomoshige working on a thesis project.

For a graduate work, Tomoshige combined his plastic model making experience, his increase experience with clay work from modeling in sculpture classes, and his desire to make social and political statement through his art into several diorama works that depict various demons and spirits admonishing people who he felt have done injustice. These include US naval base in Okinawa, people who litter the environment and kids who litter and desurface these.

*I have lost the original title of these works so I have given substitute title that I believe come close.,

Though the statement that Tomoshige makes in these works are sometimes rather simple for me, the visual part of his works are very interesting and original. I like these type of works where students (or artists) utilize their background to come up with quite unique art. Also I must note that social/political/ religious comment through visual art is quite rare in Japan.

卒業制作では友重君はプラモデルの経験の他、授業でつよめた粘土の扱いと、社会や政治にたいしてのコメントを生かした作品を制作した。マイナス的な存在に対して怒った妖怪などをいくつかのジオラマの形にして描いた。これらは落書き少年らや、沖縄の米軍や リストラする会社などだ。



Myth of Mosern Day Demons and Spirits

This is a photo of "Dohto University thesis exhibition, where Kouji has displayed several diorama works and drawings that depict modern day demons and spirits that admonish negative elements of mankind.

Wrath of Spirits of Okinawa

Spirits and demons destroying the US naval base in Okinawa. Stationing of US naval base is unpopular among Japanese. However, after making this piece, Tomoshige begin to see the viewpoint of other side; that is the necessity of having US troops there.

Spirit of Disposal

This is a detail of diorama that stars demon made of disposals that protects forest from those that secretly tries to dispose illegally in the forest.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Isao Umeda and Norwich and Surroundings 「イサオ君とイギリスのノリッジ周辺」

Meeting Michelangelo and Friends in Italy 「イタリアでミケランジェロとの出会いーイサオ君」

One of my former student, Isao Umeda went to Norwich, England this year to further his study in art. Recently, Isao sent me photos of Norwich surrounding where he lives; and of his trip to Italy. Photos of Italy trip consist mostly of works by Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael. With these Italian photos I will present as photo images with my brief explanation. with Norwich photos, I will present as a short slide show.

今年、私の教え子の梅田イサオ君(道都大学2004卒)が美術をさらに深めるため、イギリスに移住した。最近イサオ君から彼が住んでいるノリッジ市とそ の辺りの写真とイタリアの旅の写真が送ってきました。イタリアの写真はミケランジェロの作品が主で他、画家のラファエルと彫刻家のドナチェロの作品なども あります。ノリッジの写真はスライドとし(上)、イタリアの写真(下)は私の短い説明つきで

City of Florence

Maddalena by Donatello

Donatello along with Michelangelo was two leading sculptors of Renaissance Italy. There are some figurative sculptors who consider him above Michelangelo in that Donatello provides the best solution to what each different theme asks; that i,s Donatello sculpts according to the theme of work instead of imprinting artistic style on the work as is with Michelangelo. But what a style!


Julius's Tomb with Moses. Michelangelo's forty year project (intermittently)

Isao in front of sculpture of Moses

"Florentine Pieta"

One of the last sculpture piece by Michelangelo. Supported by Nicodemus and two Marys, the face Nicodemus is said to be that of old Michelangelo.



Work of very young Michelangelo. One of my favorite classical sculpture, speaking from little experience, its amazing how anyone can carve something so intricate from something hard as Carrara marble.


"The School of Athes" by Raphael
The central piece of Vatican frescoes. This fresco is consider by many to be Raphael's greatest work. It shows Raphael's balanced perfection at its best.


Isao dining with friends in Italy(?)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Flying Plum Tree of Michizane 「大宰府天満宮の飛び梅」

"Flying Plum Tree" in Dasaifu Tenmangu Shrine (photo by Shingo Yonezawa)
大宰府天満宮神社にある飛梅 (写真米澤慎吾氏より)

Friend of mine in Hokkaido Japan, Shingo Yonezawa, upon seeing my post on Michizane exhibition at Blackfish Gallery, sent me a photo of Michizane shrine at Dasaifu with plum tree.
This plum tree is believed to be the famous "flying plum tree" that appears in one of legends that surrounds Michizane. A historical buff, Mr. Yonezawa enjoys travelling to historical places, and one of these happened to be Dasaifu Tenmangu Shrine in Dasaifu where Michizane was supposed to have resided during the exile. According to the legend, Michizane with deep longing wrote poem about how he missed seeing the plum trees in Kyoto. In his poem, Michizane asked East wind to blow in the plum tree that might forget the spring without the owner's (Michizane) presence. Upon reading the poem, it is said the plum tree flew overnight to his yard from Kyoto.

Michizane stories, it seems show story- loving as well as supersticious aspect of Japanese.

I thank Mr. Yonezawa for photos and interesting stories of Sugawarano Michizane.


伝説によると、都がこいしい道真は「東風こち吹かば 思い梅の花 あるじ無きとて春忘れそ」と詠んだ時一晩で京都から大宰府に飛んできたらしい。
