Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ancient Cherry blossom Tree, "Takizakura"   三春滝桜

Waterfall Sakura of Miharu 「三春滝桜 」

My friend in Japan, Mr. Yonezawa sent me a photo of ancient cherry blossom tree, "Taki- zakura" or "Waterfall Cherry blossom" of Miharu city in Fukushima prefecture. This tree is considered one of the three great cherry blossom trees of Japan, and is believed to be 1,600 years old. When this tree was seedling, I believe Japan was still going through a prehistorical period, and in West, Rome was being ravaged by goths, Ostrogoths and Visigoths.

Mr. Yonezawa tells me that when he visited this tree, Japan was going through unusually cold spring- snowing while the tree was in full blossom! Mr. Yonezawa tells me its been 46 years since this situation has occurred here. Well, rain, sun or snow, I hope the Tree live through many years to come.

By the way two other great cherry blossom trees are "Jindai Cherryblossom" of Yamanashi Prefecture and "Usuzumi Cherry blossom" of Gifu Prefecture. As you can see from photos, Japanese go all out to see famous trees. I don't know whether this indicate unusual reverence of Japanese for natural wonders or that Japanese loves to go where crowds go- probably combination of both (laugh- sorry, a bit cynic here). Cynicism aside, great ancient trees do posses for me a sense of great spirituality, that I would probably push everyone aside to get to front of the crowd (laugh).

I posted this photo here because the theme of my blog is "Tree of Life''. I am very happy to receive photos of great trees so if you have one and you know my address, I would love to have them and post it here.



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