Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cherry blossoms of Pentagonal Fortress in Hakodate「 函館五稜郭の桜」

Photos of cherry blossoms and pentagon fortress of Hakodate
(photos by Shingo Yonezawa)  

Mr. Yonezawa who took a photo of Takizakura cherry blossom that I have posted earlier sent me photos of cherry blossom that he took when he visited the city of Hakodate a year ago. These cherry blossoms are planted around a historical site, Gojyokaku (pentagonal) fortress. This is five sided fortress that is famous in Japan as the site of last stand by Bakufu government samurais in a civil war that ended the 300 year Tokugawa government and of samurai era of Japanese history.

The star shaped fortress is built in western style that was designed for more modern warfare of guns and cannons. I have visited this site around fifteen years ago when I visited the city for the convention of college art teachers association of Japan. It was fall then so equally famous red pine trees of this fortress was more noticeable. Red pines seem to symbolize all the lives shed in this fortress. And cherry blossoms that blossom in May seem to symbolize rebirth. The beauty of cherry blossoms and idyllic scenery seem to bring forth feeling of peace and sooth those souls
that fought bravery in years past.

前のポストにのせた三春滝桜の写真を送ってくれた米澤氏が函館の五稜郭の桜の写真を送ってくれた。これは一年前の旅行の時に撮ったものらしい。私も15年ほど前、学会で函館の教育大学を訪れたとき、この五稜郭を見学したがこの時は秋で、赤松のほうが目立った。米澤氏の写真を見ると桜でかこまれた五稜郭の春の景色の美しさを感じる。 五月に咲く桜が五稜郭の各地に咲き、明治維新の戦いでなくなった多くの魂を慰め、平和を感じさせるすばらしい景色のようだ。


  1. I enjoy hearing about these old historic places and how they are still preserved and visited.

  2. Thanks Helen. The thing different about many historical buildings/places in Hokkaido, the northernmost major island in Japan where I have resided, is that like those in Oregon they are built after the second half of 19th century. Some of these buildings built in Meiji period(1868-1912)have curious mixture of old Japanese and western architectural styles. Since you're originally from Russia, you maybe interested to note that because of
    Hokkaido's proximity to Russia, some of these buildings have considerable Russian influences in them.
