Thursday, May 20, 2010

Work in Progress: Face Fruits 2 「 フエースフルーツの制作 第二」

Group of uncompleted Face fruits on the shelf. At this stage foundation for individual faces are being made. 未完成のフエースフルーツ。一つ、一つの独特な顔の土台を造り始めた段階。

I have started to work on Face Fruits again. These are works that I have begun to make since about ten years ago, and I must have made over 150 pieces of these by now. All these pieces were made in clay mixed with other materials, but this time, I am making them out of fiber. I have started making this new group of Face Fruits since January, a day after I installed my last show at Blackfish. In my earlier post, I have shown how I developed armature in wire and mesh cloth. By April, I have filled these 74 Face Fruits in armature stage with a mixture of fiber and glue which I will call 'figlue' for short. Once these are filled, I pasted sheets of 80%cotton fiber over faces to provide firm skin and muscle structure. By this stage, individual features have begun to show.

又、フエースフルーツの作品を制作しだした。最初フエースフルーツを作り出してから10年たったようだ。いままでやく150点ほどこのテーマの作品を造ったがこれらは粘土を中心として造ったものだ。今回はアメリカに帰国してから編み出したファイバとボンド混ざりの材料ー名づけてファイグルーで作り出した。 今年の一月から制作しだし、前回のポストでは辛抱作りについて語った。四月になると、これら74点のフエースフルーツ辛抱をファイバーグルーで筋肉づけをした。そしてさらに、ファイバーを切りながら、未完成のフエースフルーツに塗り、形を整いだした。この段階が五月中旬に終わり、これから、一つづつ、個性を作り出す段階にきた。粘土と違って、細かい作業がむづかしく、感じが綿でできた人形のようだ。

Wire and meshed cloth armatures have been all filed with 'figlue', and these batch of face fruits with fiber glue material are now being dried. 針金などで造り上げたフエースフルーツの辛抱はファイバーとボンドの混ざりの材料、ファイグルーで埋められた。

Sheets of fiber cloth are being cut and pasted on the fiber glue material to form a
facial structure ファイバのシーツが顔の形にあわせ、小さく切られ、形に塗られている。

These are now ready to move onto individualizing stage of the face fruit creation process.

Part of 74 semi-completed face fruits being dried and waiting for the next process.

Align Left


  1. very interesting. they remind me of dough and items that are edible. maybe it's the color and texture - ready to bake and eat. you sure have been busy.

  2. You sure must be hungry, Helen!? If you want to compare to food, they're like something that came out of pop corns pressurized into face shape molds.

    I must admit the color and texture does give out that edible look. But like beautiful mushrooms, I don't think its too wise to do so. Anyway its from this stage on where its going to take lots of time to make them look like piece of art rather than food and to complete.
