Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Magical Knives from the Tree of Life" 「生命の木の魔法のナイフ」

"Magical Knives from the Tree of Life"

'Magical Knives' are group of carvings that I have recently completed, and shown recently(January, 2012) at the Blackfish Gallery Group show.  Most of the pieces were nearly completed three years ago right after I came back to Oregon from a long stay in Japan.  While looking for a potential sculpture material to get me restarted, I found a block of poplar wood at a local Home Depot store.  Its thickness was similar to those I assigned my students in Japan for a beginning carving class project. While playing with the block, I came up with an idea of carving paper knife with an animal handle.  At first, I carved with intention of making a sample for possible project for students.  However, I found myself enjoying the process and decided to make this my own work.

最近完成した木彫り作品「魔法のナイフ」を今年(2012)の一月中、ブラックフィシュ画廊・ギャラリーで展示した。これらの作品はほとんど三年ほど前、北海道からこのオレゴンに帰国した後彫ったもの。最後の仕上げをこの展示に合わせ昨年の11月に完成した。帰国後、彫刻材料を探していて、近くの大型家具・大工材料道具センタで見つけたのがポプラの木の材木だった。 この太さがちょうど日本で学生たちに木彫りを教えるためにつかていたのと似ていたので買った。木彫りの課題のサンプルとして考えたのが動物のペーパナイフだった。でも彫り始めだしたらはまり、自分の作品として完成することに決めた。

Sketch with price list of pieces and photo copy guide along with 'seal piece'

I have completed 24 of these pieces with animals whose forms fit the shape of handle.   One, my favorite 'Armadillo',I've given to friend for his seventieth birthday.  Seal knife, I placed it with price list on separate stand.  T hen, altogether, 22 magical knives made the 'round' table. Some of these animals such as bilby, dunnart, and galago are probably unknown to many viewers so for the show, I have drawn sketch of them for a guide.


22 Magical knives on a board table with pebbles during Blackfish exhibit

One of the reason why I have placed these knives in oval composition is to make the whole group of these 'knives' as one piece of artwork.  Another reason is to have these works emit a magical aura.  Oval/ round shape I feel has a symbolical connotation such as rings, halos, Stonehenge cairns and Arthur's round table, and grouping knives in such form, I felt gave them an additional aura of talisman.


Magical Knife: Kangaroo  カンガエル

Magical Knife: Platypus カモノハシ

Magical Knife: Turtle 亀

Magical Knife:Chameleon カメリオン

Most of my works, especially those I have made the last few years were made with certain messages in my mind.  However, these pieces are made without much of thoughts - just enjoyment of carving.  But as with anything, you never can tell.  They might have lot more to say than others that I have consciously try to state.


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