Friday, July 31, 2009

Horses and Myths: Works of Steve Tilden Part I 「神話と馬ースティブ テイルドン氏の作品 第一」

"Io and Prometheus" by Steve Tilden 「イオとプロメテウス」

この前のポストで語ったアトリエのオナー、スティブ テイルドン氏は面白い履歴をもっている芸術家である。はじめに彼はハワイ出身。アメリカ大統領のオバマ氏の母校出身で大統領の大先輩になる。彼の父は真珠湾攻撃を見ていたらしい。三十年後、彼は海軍にいた時、有名な真珠湾攻撃の映画「トラ、トラ、トラ」の制作を見ていたらしい。「ゼロ戦が飛んでいた」と私に語った。ベトナム戦争の時海軍にいて、その後コンピュータ関係の会社につとめたり、個人の土木会社を建てたり、そして14,15年まえ五十代で芸術家になることを決心したらしい。しかし、彼の学歴は教育分野でそれも博士号をもっている。。。 しかも世界の10本の指に入る大学、カリフォルニアバカリー大学で。このような履歴・背景の持ち主の作品といえば、気になると思うが、材料は違うが、私が教えた札幌の道都大の学生たちの作品とそうちがはないように見えた。。とくに彼の彫刻は。





Left, "Galvin's Horse" 左、「ガルビンの馬」

Steve Tilden whose studio I discussed in a previous post seems to work with several themes in various media. Of these, I would like to introduce works that deal with the theme of horse, especially those with reference to myth.

Steve appears to know horses very well as he to me depicts the movements and feelings of horse gestures in most simplest forms. "Galvin's Horse" image on the left for instance catches the mood and gesture of a dying horse in expressively elongated, but simplified sheet metal form.

I have seen other works in his place that are more abstract and deals with the expressive form of horse only. For the most part though, Steve seems to like story behind his horse works.

Talk about story, Steve to me is a Blackfish version of Homer or Sheherazade, a marvelous teller of story who with background as varied as being sailor, contractor, PhD recipient in education as well as being an artist, possesses in his head, equally bottomless trove of interesting and humorous stories. I found myself deeply immersed listening to Steve's stories each time I visit his studio.

Though Steve has lots of stories to tell from his varied life's experience, myths, especially Greek myth appears to be his favorite subject. His painting, "Io and Prometheus" (above) displays this interest towards Greek myths. Innocent maiden, Io forcefully transformed by Zeus into a wandering bovine pest by gadfly, and humane titan, Prometheus chained to rock by Zeus for teaching mankind usage of fire shows to me capriciousness and injustice of Greek divinities, but perhaps point out a whim of human fate. At the end, Zeus finally transforms back Io into a woman and for giving hope and kindness perhaps, a descendant of Io, Hercules unchains Prometheus.

These ironies, capriciousness of human fate, secular nature of Greek divinities, humanity, symbolism and vivid imagery and being just darn good entertainment are perhaps some of the reasons that attract Steve to illustrate these Greek myths in his works.

In Steve's painting Io's face appears together with that of ox for Prometheus can see Io within the feminine bovine figure. Varied expressions such as consideration, plead, and love on
Prometheus's face is convincingly painted and the fire that he holds amidst a dramatically painted red and black background appears to me to be the light of hope. And Hope is what he gives to Io.

Here, I meant to write about Steve's horse works, and I found myself getting side track with Io. Though not as much as Steve, I also find fascination with myths and fables. I'll fix this by writing this post in two parts, with the second on Trojan horse..

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