Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Wave in Yubari-Part 2 Students  「ニューウェブーin夕張展その2卒業生たちの作品

a photo of "New Wave in Yubari Exhibition"「夕張展会場」

"Living" a photo by M. Atsumo 「生」 アツモ

Below bottom "Camouflage" by Ikkun, center illustrations by Attan including "Yubari Melon", and sales corner with original cards, bags,badges and 'coal flutes on top. 下、下からイックンの「カモフラジュ」、真ん中はアッタンの「ゆうばりメロン」や「幸せの黄色いハンカチ」などイラストと上はオリジナルバッグ、カード、バッジや「炭笛」などの売り場。


学生のころ彫刻、陶芸、コンピュータグラフィックなど専門は別々だったが、ほとんどが卒業後デザイン関係の仕事に就職し、展示した作品にはそれが私には明らかに見える。作品を作り、展示などして久しぶりに昔の仲間や先生たちと一緒に活動するほか、赤字におわれた夕張市にエールをおくるのがもう一つの目的のようで、いくつかの作品にこれも見られる。私の彫刻のゼミ生だったイックンの「カモフラジュ」の作品がいい例だ。卒業後、ダンボール会社にデザイナとして就職した彼は会社の材料のダンボールで蛙の彫刻を作り、それを夕張市の名物、メロンの色の緑とオレンジで塗った。 色んな要素を入れた作品で上手く考えたなと関心。。。 さすがイックン。




Led by Attan who also made the site for this exhibition, five former students of class of 06 and 07 joined former professor and a guest lecturer of Dohto University in this exhibition at the citizen's gallery at Yubari Art Museum. They appeared to be the members who worked together for campus festivals and other school activities together in those mid 2000 school years. The curator of Yubari museum Mr. Kudo is also a member of this group, and I assume he invited them all for the show. Though members vary in majors from ceramics to sculpture to computer graphics, most of them worked as designers after they graduated from school and works in this exhibition reflect this. Ikude or Ikkun as we called him, for instance was my sculpture seminar student and after graduation he worked as a designer for cardboard manufacturing company. In this exhibition he has made a green and yellow frog out of cardboard. Its a clever piece because to me it shows reference to his major, sculpture and reference to his work, cardboard designer, and to the city of yubari with green and yellow color of city's famous product, Yubari melon.

Akiko Suami or Attan as we call her also has works that reflect her occupation as designer in Tokyo and her support for the city of Yubari which as I mentioned in Part I is going through hard times with reference again to the city's products.

Other notable works include photos of flowers and can by Mayumi Atsumo and graphic works by Maki Wada and Yoshida. Most of these works appeared not to make serious artistic statement, but were created with lots of fun. The exhibition was an occassion for participants to set aside their works and get together with old school friends and teachers, and works of students reflect this. Hopefully, this will stimulate students to further creative works.

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