Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Branches of Gingko Tree 「デックの上のイチョの木の枝」

Above is branches of gingko tree after the cut and on the deck. 切ったイチョウの木の枝がデックの上に置かれているところ。三月下旬ごろ。

Above is branches of gingko tree with barks peeled off. Below is a ginkgo tree in my yard after the cut. 上は木肌をはいだあとー5月上旬。下は枝を切ったあとのイチョの木

I have cut lots of branches off the Ginkgo tree in my yard last summer and found that they possessed the quality I wanted in my "Tree of Life "work. The bark of peeled off easily and smoothly, and once they dried, they hardened. The tree was planted by my father back in 1980 when he bought it from a Japanese landscaper who also owned a small nursery. I found that it has grown to a considerable heigth while I was away in Japan.

So this March, as the tree needed cutting to avoid the electric lines, I cut some more. Actually a lot more, and spent the next month and half peeling the branches out on my deck. You can see a huge pile of branches on my deck. Later, I did some more work on them at the basement in my deck. However, with these I think I will leave as natural as possible for a while

昨年の夏、父が三十年ほど前庭に植えたイチョウの木の枝を  切った。枝は私の「生命の木の作品」にふさわしい材料とわかった。木肌が簡単に取れ、乾いたら結構かたくなった。私が日本に滞在している間電線にあたるぐらい高くなっており、ちょうど切る必要があったので、今年の三月に本格的に枝を切った。枝は私の庭のデックの上に乗せ、天気やほかの予定にあわせ、四月の終わりごろまでかけて皮をはいだ。このポストにのせている写真がそれだ。 (イチョの木は通常アメリカに無い。アメリカではめずらしい日本の木を育ってている日本人の庭職人から買った)



  1. I recognize that deck and look forward to seeing what the gingko branches will turn into!

  2. Thanks Helen. I will probably leave the branches almost as they are with few touches at first. I almost feel sacrilegious to over touch them.
    Later, when such a feeling waned, I will probably use them as parts of sculptural pieces unless someone buys the branches as they are!
