Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mario's Recent Sculptures 「最近のマリオの彫刻」

" You're Wonderful"「貴方はワンダフル」

These are recent painted sculptures of Mario that I have seen at his shows in Blackfish Gallery.
With his permission I am showing them here. Though painted recently, many of these works appeared to be pieces that were welded together in steel in much earlier date, some as old as twenty years. If you check Mario's blog, which I have listed on the left side of this blog, you will see him on You Tube. You will see how he painted these sculpture forms and transformed into what you see here. Its exciting, and interesting to watch, and I recommend highly for my former Japanese students many of whom may be more use to preplanned or carefully crafted paintings and sculptures. Mario appears to paint spontaneously, just playing with paint and enjoying what comes. Perhaps Mario has certain image in his head prior to painting the work, but seeing him paint, it doesn't seem to show this. Result to me is a work of exciting blend of color and three dimensional form.

" My Awesome Niece" and " Internet" pieces shown above are for me just beautiful three dimensional forms that were made more interesting and 'alive' with paint on it. With some imagination , one could sense a face in them. To me " Internet" looks more like a neo African mask or Mario's version of 'Green Goblin' mask of Spiderman fame, but with these it maybe up to viewers what they see.

'You're wonderful" is one of my favorite piece of Mario. It has a mirror in the center so you can look at yourself and feel better with all the sparkling painting whirling all around it. The first time I saw this piece was when Mario had it displayed in the backroom of the gallery, and as I was telling Mario some negative feelings, he pointed this work few feet away. Panacea! Chuckling, I immediately felt a whole lot better.

"the Internet" painted, welded steel 「ザ・インタネット」

"My Awesome Niece" 「私のすごい姪」

これらは最近ブラックフィッシュギャラリーで見た私の友人、マリオの彫刻作品です。彼の許可をえてこれらを紹介します。 これらは昔、溶接で制作した作品ですが、最近ペンキを塗って雰囲気を変えました。 このブローグの左の方ににリストしたマリオのブローグを見ると彼がこれらの作品をペンキで塗り返しているところが見えます. このU-Tubeをとおしての作業姿はとても面白いと思います。 なぜならほとんど感にまかし、気にいったところで「完成」しているようで、真剣に描いていると思うんですが遊んでいるようにしか見えません。 結果はとてもだいたんで賑やかな色彩と三次元の形の混ざりです。


「貴方はワンダフル」はマリオの作品のなかでももっとも好きな作品の一つです。中心に鏡があり、これを見ている人は周りのスパークリングな絵により、いい気持ちになるようです。最初この作品を見たのはブラックフィッシューの後ろにこの作品が展示してあったときで、。マリオと合って話をしていたのですが、マイナス的な私を見て、すぐ後ろの作品を見なさいとマリオに言われて見たら、笑い、いっぺんに気持ちがよくなりました。 それぞれ三十センチから四十センチの鉄を溶接で完成された作品です。

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